Employee and project management portal (Time sheet)
What is time sheet system?
In agile organizations, how people spend their time on different projects is important for managers to make decisions, because most companies have multiple projects and limited resources and manpower, and therefore monitoring the presence and absence of personnel and ongoing work is considered one of the main concerns of managers. .
The use of a time sheet system allows the managers of different units of a company to receive accurate and timely information and reports about time management and resource allocation, personnel performance evaluation and progress towards the organization’s goals, which increases the quality.
Getting to know the time sheet system of the accountant
The “Hadi Hesab” time sheet system is designed with the aim of managing, monitoring and aggregating information on the presence, absence and performance of personnel, as well as project control in organizations that have diverse and numerous projects, and it includes three main sections:
Personnel attendance management
Budgeting, control and supervision of ongoing projects
Obtaining various reports from Cardex, working hours of personnel and projects
Features of the time sheet system of the accountant
Defining projects and managing the status and keeping records of projects ready for execution, in progress and completed …
Planning, scheduling and preparation of the overall project implementation plan and assigning personnel to each project
Attendance registration time sheet registration and time allocation sheet at the project site
Determining the organizational chart and approvers according to system operations
Registration of requests for leave, mission, overtime, etc. by personnel
Approver’s smart cart to display operations waiting for approval
Online evaluation of employees and viewing of managers’ comments by relevant personnel
Supervision of personnel performance by project managers
Smart budgeting as well as work-in-progress control with estimated budgets for each project
Control and management reports of discrepancies and delayed works in the time sheet system
View the Gantt chart of project scheduling every month
Sending information on the monthly performance of personnel to the payroll and cost sharing system
Summary sheet report of personnel and project work hours allocation by project card and job group
Cost report and profit and loss of projects
Questionnaire report to control the status of auditing institutions
Time sheet report, allocation sheet and total working hours of each project (budget)